Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Star thoughts

My thoughts after discussing The Star are that it is very controversial and would offend a lot of people initially. If the story were true most people would be questioning their faith like Father Loyola did and more people would believe scientific evidence more than a holy book. Yet I believe that If an event like this did happen that the followers of their religion would still be believers and would persevere through it and would consider it a test of their faith. If you believe in something strongly you wouldn't give up on it even if there are some bumps in the road and the odds are against you. Most story's about how religions are born come from non believers persecuting them and doubting that their religion exists. You can say that about most scientists today using evidence they find to prove religions wrong. But I still believe that when you argue religion that no one will ever win.


Kristen said...

Your post is very captivating. I agree with you on the note that
if this story were true, people would be questioning their faith. When you initially read this story how did it make you feel? If this story became a reality, you first noted that people would be questioning their religion and would believe scientific evidence over a holy book, but then you also said that followers of their religion would still be believers and would persevere through it. Which do you believe? I'm a bit confused. Good use of vocabulary words! I'm impressed.

Hurricanes Rock! said...

At first when I read this story i was a little shocked when it was talking about a major faith and essentitally saying it wasn't true because of these certain facts. I wasn't offended because it isn't real and is science fiction. I would take a relgion that I have been following for years than scientific evidence. There a phenomenons that can't be explained no matter how much technology you have and I feel thatr religon can't be explained either.