Monday, April 9, 2007

Star Wars: Final Thoughts

After finishing the movie I was wondering why Darth Vader chopped of Luke's hand. If that was me and my father cut off my hand I would be furious. Then he asks me to join the darkside or die. I heard of disciplining your children but that was a little ridiculous especially if your trying to get him to be on your side. I also wondered if the Sith Emperor can tell the future why doesn't he know that Vader wants to get rid of him and own the Empire to himself? I think maybe the future might be clouded when it came to that situation. I also wondered why doesn't Leah become a Jedi too. She is tough, strong, and has the force. She knows when Luke is in trouble and has good instincts. I believe if she were to become one she would definitely unleash some frustration whenever Han makes a slick comment. If she was one I think she would be the strongest ever because when it comes to a women's wrath the best thing to do is hide and pray for your life.

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