Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The House of the Scorpion final thoughts

Here is my book based on Freytags triangle. The intro started off when Matt was alone in a shack in the poppy fields not being allowed to see anyone and is taken care of by his keeper Celia. The initial conflict lies between Matt and Tom. They were both little kids and were both fighting for the attention of Maria, a senators daughter, who frequently visited the Alcran estate. Tom makes Matt look bad and calls him names but Matt counters with smart remarks. Maria loves her dog and Tom frames him by poisoning it and making the evidence point to Matt. As Matt hits his teen years he notices that El Patron, his original, is getting more ill. At the wedding of El Patrons great grandson and the senators oldest daughter Emilia, El Patron has a heart attack. Everyone is searching for Matt and he doesn't realize why until Maria tells him what they are planning to do, take his heart. They capture Matt and Maria is devastated. Before the operation El Patron explains to him why he let him grow up and enjoy life and said now you owe me something in return. But before the operation Celia told El Patron his time is now and he can't live forever so she put arsenic into Matt, but not enough to kill him, so that the transplant wouldn't be successful. El Patron dies. And with the help of Tam Lin he escapes to former California to find Maria. The falling action was when Maria's mom ex wife of her corrupt father and president of the Anti Slavery Society. She helps Matt and overthrow the corrupt people of the Alcran estate and Matt gets to take over.
I enjoyed the book and its worn down future setting in present day Mexico. Matt had to go through many tasks and trials plus was mistreated and betrayed by the one he thought loved him the most El Patron. But in the end the clever Matt wins in the end and will be have full control over the opium fields but will rely heavily upon his friends and his loved one Maria.

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