Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Types of conflicts

The are a couple types of the 5 conflicts in my book "The House of the Scorpion." The first being man vs. society, Matt , the clone, is trying to fit in with El Patron's family but is looked down upon because of what he is. Because Matt is the clone of El Patron he has authority whenever El Patron is around and uses that power frequently to get back at those who don't treat him fairly. For example, at his birthday Matt demanded a kiss from one of his friends Maria and she had to no matter how disgusting everyone thought it would be because El Patron was watching. Another conflict is man vs. man. Matt vs. Tom. Tom is an evil little boy who has fun wrecking havoc and wanting Maria to hang out with him rather than Matt. Matt hates Tom because he makes Matt look bad in front of Maria and accuses Matt of horrible things that he actually did. So they are both fighting for Maria's attention. The last conflict in my book was man vs. himself. Matt goes through struggles as he develops and wonders why the world is so cruel and why he can't just be looked at as a normal kid. El Parton lives on opium fields and has clones that aren't highly developed but programmed to work in the hot fields, Matt wandered through and saw that some clones end up dying and their bodies get picked up and thrown away. He is stunned by it and wonders if he is going to end up like them. Matt has so many skills too and gets better grades and plays instruments better than any other kid in the household but still wonders why he doesn't get any respect.