Monday, April 2, 2007


The issue of faith was applied to my book " The House of the Scorpion" scarcely. When Matt Alcran was locked into a prison like room he was questioning his faith in his caretaker Celia to come and save him. He was locked in the room for six months until Maria showed Celia were they had been hiding him. During those six months Matt was depressed, alone, and wondered if anyone would care about a "filthy clone." Another issue of faith appeared when Matt made Maria angry with him and she started hanging out with Steven, who Matt hated immensely. Matt thought that once he got a friend that they would stick by him forever but that wasn't the case for a while. He thought Maria had lost faith in their friendship and did want anything to do with him due to the fact he was a clone.


Alucas said...

I liked the fact that you gave two different examples of faith for your book. When trying to complete my entry I got so flustered that I forgot the meaning of faith. I didnt think to use it in ways like you used it. You say that Matt Alcran questions his faith in his caretaker. Why would he need to question his faith in Celia if she was truly a friend of his. When reading your post I got the feeling that Matt Alcran, doesnt really believe in himself or like himself all that much. Because he keeps refereing to himself as a clone. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Who is Matt, Maria, and Steven? and what do they have to do with faith in your book? Furthermore, can you explain to me the the events you have listed of examples of faith?

matt said...

I see you have a few other comments but I liked your post. So are clones treated like a servant class in your book because it sounds like normal people don't have much respect for them? I say this because if the girl will stop being his friend simply because he is a clone it sounds like discrimination of a second class of people. Also how did he survive for 6 mouths in that cell is he super human?

mISTERnAIL said...

yeah, it sounds to me like you found plenty of examples of faith. good comments, so i'm going to but out...

Hurricanes Rock! said...

The character Matt believes that since everyone is making a big deal because he feels inferior, which is the case when El Patron isn't there. Also he tries to fit in but his knowledge about the things kids do is limited so most of the time he gets made fun of.

Hurricanes Rock! said...

Carlos, the character Matt has to deal with faith in my book but not from a religous standpoint. His develops faith in his caretaker Celia. Once he gets thrown into a prison type room with nothing but straw and a lttle window for six months he begins to lose faith in Celia or anyone coming to rescue him.

Hurricanes Rock! said...

Matt, basically what you said is right. Clones are looked down upon because they aren't born from humans but actually harvested from cows. He gets discrimanted because he is a clone and most clones are supposed to be mindless and uneducated, but since El Patron doesn't want that his family feels sick to thier stomach respecting him. He survived for six months because El Patrons family, when El Patron was gone, made a wicked maid feed him gruel three times a day.