Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The House of the Scorpion final thoughts

Here is my book based on Freytags triangle. The intro started off when Matt was alone in a shack in the poppy fields not being allowed to see anyone and is taken care of by his keeper Celia. The initial conflict lies between Matt and Tom. They were both little kids and were both fighting for the attention of Maria, a senators daughter, who frequently visited the Alcran estate. Tom makes Matt look bad and calls him names but Matt counters with smart remarks. Maria loves her dog and Tom frames him by poisoning it and making the evidence point to Matt. As Matt hits his teen years he notices that El Patron, his original, is getting more ill. At the wedding of El Patrons great grandson and the senators oldest daughter Emilia, El Patron has a heart attack. Everyone is searching for Matt and he doesn't realize why until Maria tells him what they are planning to do, take his heart. They capture Matt and Maria is devastated. Before the operation El Patron explains to him why he let him grow up and enjoy life and said now you owe me something in return. But before the operation Celia told El Patron his time is now and he can't live forever so she put arsenic into Matt, but not enough to kill him, so that the transplant wouldn't be successful. El Patron dies. And with the help of Tam Lin he escapes to former California to find Maria. The falling action was when Maria's mom ex wife of her corrupt father and president of the Anti Slavery Society. She helps Matt and overthrow the corrupt people of the Alcran estate and Matt gets to take over.
I enjoyed the book and its worn down future setting in present day Mexico. Matt had to go through many tasks and trials plus was mistreated and betrayed by the one he thought loved him the most El Patron. But in the end the clever Matt wins in the end and will be have full control over the opium fields but will rely heavily upon his friends and his loved one Maria.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Types of conflicts

The are a couple types of the 5 conflicts in my book "The House of the Scorpion." The first being man vs. society, Matt , the clone, is trying to fit in with El Patron's family but is looked down upon because of what he is. Because Matt is the clone of El Patron he has authority whenever El Patron is around and uses that power frequently to get back at those who don't treat him fairly. For example, at his birthday Matt demanded a kiss from one of his friends Maria and she had to no matter how disgusting everyone thought it would be because El Patron was watching. Another conflict is man vs. man. Matt vs. Tom. Tom is an evil little boy who has fun wrecking havoc and wanting Maria to hang out with him rather than Matt. Matt hates Tom because he makes Matt look bad in front of Maria and accuses Matt of horrible things that he actually did. So they are both fighting for Maria's attention. The last conflict in my book was man vs. himself. Matt goes through struggles as he develops and wonders why the world is so cruel and why he can't just be looked at as a normal kid. El Parton lives on opium fields and has clones that aren't highly developed but programmed to work in the hot fields, Matt wandered through and saw that some clones end up dying and their bodies get picked up and thrown away. He is stunned by it and wonders if he is going to end up like them. Matt has so many skills too and gets better grades and plays instruments better than any other kid in the household but still wonders why he doesn't get any respect.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Star Wars: Final Thoughts

After finishing the movie I was wondering why Darth Vader chopped of Luke's hand. If that was me and my father cut off my hand I would be furious. Then he asks me to join the darkside or die. I heard of disciplining your children but that was a little ridiculous especially if your trying to get him to be on your side. I also wondered if the Sith Emperor can tell the future why doesn't he know that Vader wants to get rid of him and own the Empire to himself? I think maybe the future might be clouded when it came to that situation. I also wondered why doesn't Leah become a Jedi too. She is tough, strong, and has the force. She knows when Luke is in trouble and has good instincts. I believe if she were to become one she would definitely unleash some frustration whenever Han makes a slick comment. If she was one I think she would be the strongest ever because when it comes to a women's wrath the best thing to do is hide and pray for your life.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Star Wars: Movies as a text

If the movie we are watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was turned into a text one of the common themes would be good vs. evil. Luke Skywalker and his team of Rebellions are trying to put an end to Darth Vader and his Evil Empire. Darth Vader wants to capture Leah and Luke for his own pleasure but they always find a way out of it. Another theme would be man vs himself because Luke is dealing with internal struggles trying to free his mind and let the force takeover. Yoda begins to question if Luke has what it takes to become a Jedi. Later on Darth Vader goes through this theme in the third movie when he doesn't kill Luke and is torn between his feelings for his son and the darkside which had engulfed him for a long time.

Monday, April 2, 2007


The issue of faith was applied to my book " The House of the Scorpion" scarcely. When Matt Alcran was locked into a prison like room he was questioning his faith in his caretaker Celia to come and save him. He was locked in the room for six months until Maria showed Celia were they had been hiding him. During those six months Matt was depressed, alone, and wondered if anyone would care about a "filthy clone." Another issue of faith appeared when Matt made Maria angry with him and she started hanging out with Steven, who Matt hated immensely. Matt thought that once he got a friend that they would stick by him forever but that wasn't the case for a while. He thought Maria had lost faith in their friendship and did want anything to do with him due to the fact he was a clone.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Star thoughts

My thoughts after discussing The Star are that it is very controversial and would offend a lot of people initially. If the story were true most people would be questioning their faith like Father Loyola did and more people would believe scientific evidence more than a holy book. Yet I believe that If an event like this did happen that the followers of their religion would still be believers and would persevere through it and would consider it a test of their faith. If you believe in something strongly you wouldn't give up on it even if there are some bumps in the road and the odds are against you. Most story's about how religions are born come from non believers persecuting them and doubting that their religion exists. You can say that about most scientists today using evidence they find to prove religions wrong. But I still believe that when you argue religion that no one will ever win.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Star

The Star is a short story that raises the issue between science and religion. A group of space explorers from Earth go to explore where a lost civilization once lived. The Jesuit priest is apart of the mission and is startled once they reach the planet. It seems as if a supernova has destroyed a planet of intelligent beings that are exactly like humans. He wonders why God would destroy such a beautiful planet and wonders if the supernova that resulted 1000 years ago was the light seen when Baby Jesus was born.This really makes him wonder about his faith. I believe this is an issue like the Theory Of Evolution that rages between religious people and people who look at life through the Big Bang Theory. I think religious people are very sensitive about this issue and think the Big Bang is a bunch of nonsense and that we were created by God. On the other hand scientists always want to prove their theory correct and keep pushing evolution into their faces. This debate is a strong one and will remain that way until Jesus comes to earth or Scientists find some solid pieces of evidence that back up their theory.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Chapter Summary 1

The main character is Matt Alacran. He is the clone of one of the biggest drug lords in the world El Patron. Matt was harvested from within a cow and was being raised by his caretaker Celia. Matt and Celia live on the Alacran estate and El Patron wanted to keep him a secret for an unknown reason until the kids of the Alacran estate found the shack he was living in. Matt hurts himself trying to see the kids so they took him to their house and got him treated. El Patrons whole family lives in the house including his grandson, great grandson, and his great great grandchildren. El Parton is 140 years old. Once the family realizes he is a clone they mistreat him for a long time until El Patron comes back from the hospital. Once he found out they were mistreating him he was furious and wanted them to treat him like a king and gave him his own bodyguard Tam Lin. Matt is only about 9 years old and El Patron wants a teacher to educate him and learn new skills. Matt is still developing and learning new feelings such as sadness and happiness. The perspective on clones throughout is that most people think they are animals and only used for labor and minimal skilled jobs.