Monday, March 26, 2007

Chapter Summary 1

The main character is Matt Alacran. He is the clone of one of the biggest drug lords in the world El Patron. Matt was harvested from within a cow and was being raised by his caretaker Celia. Matt and Celia live on the Alacran estate and El Patron wanted to keep him a secret for an unknown reason until the kids of the Alacran estate found the shack he was living in. Matt hurts himself trying to see the kids so they took him to their house and got him treated. El Patrons whole family lives in the house including his grandson, great grandson, and his great great grandchildren. El Parton is 140 years old. Once the family realizes he is a clone they mistreat him for a long time until El Patron comes back from the hospital. Once he found out they were mistreating him he was furious and wanted them to treat him like a king and gave him his own bodyguard Tam Lin. Matt is only about 9 years old and El Patron wants a teacher to educate him and learn new skills. Matt is still developing and learning new feelings such as sadness and happiness. The perspective on clones throughout is that most people think they are animals and only used for labor and minimal skilled jobs.